Ready to Plan Your Recovery Journey?

You’re Not Alone. I Can Help.

  • holistic and somatic coaching, free call

    Step 1: Free discovery call exploring the possibilities

    During your 45-minute FREE Discovery Call, we get to know each other a bit to see if we’re a good fit to build a strong coaching relationship together and help you meet your recovery goals. I answer your questions and address your concerns. This informal chat is how we first meet!

  • trauma recovery help from a certified trauma recovery coach

    step 2: assessing your needs & goals

    Here we take a closer look at how trauma has impacted you, your stress levels, your sense of safety, as well as your coping patterns, to give us a place to grow from. We go over your questions and concerns, as well as your expectations, hopes and dreams.

  • emotional regulation, self-care, somatic techniques, EFT, IFS, parts work, breathwork, relaxation, meditaiton, hypnosis

    step 3: Evaluating strengths & assets

    We discuss how well your coping mechanisms are working for you so we can build from your strengths and begin exploring alternative skills that may serve you better for the things you wish to change. We get curious about your beliefs, thoughts, feelings and how you relate to them.

  • recovering from childhood, complex, sexual, intergenerational, attachment trauma

    Step 4: building a strong trauma recovery plan

    How would you want your life to be today? What future would you love to envision for yourself, if you knew it would work out as planned? With support, you self-identify recovery goals and steps that feel right for you and don’t overwhelm your system with too much, too fast, too soon.

  • step 5: implementing your trauma recovery plan

    One small, actionable step at a time, together, we work towards your goals, as you develop new skills, gain new insights, and as we celebrate each milestone along the way. When things don’t work out, we collaborate to find new ways: You’re not alone through the tough stuff anymore.

  • PTSD, C-PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, complex trauma, Dissociative Disorders, depression, anxiety cure, DD, DID

    step 6: Post-traumatic growth and recovery

    To successfully work your plan, I help you build your own Trauma Recovery Toolbox & Skills (e.g. somatic parts work, inner child work, EFT/Tapping, mindfulness, guided imagery, etc.), sharing insights and personalized resources to help rewire your brain for post-traumatic growth.



—Gabriella L, Spain

Tell me, what is it you plan to do, with your

One Wild and Precious Life?

Mary Oliver